

medal reading "Distinguished Alumni Award"

The Distinguished Alumni Awards ceremony will be held Feb. 3, 2024.


The honorees are: Ralph Clark ’80, ‘81, Natalie Compton ’12, Alan Cook ’77, Richard Fleming ’69 and The Honorable Johnnie B. Rawlinson ’79.

“These five alumni represent what it means to be a Pacifican,负责发展和校友关系的副校长斯科特·比德曼(Scott Biedermann)说, ’20. “他们在各自领域的最高水平上表现出色,同时也慷慨地支持博彩平台网址大全及其学生, creating a lasting impact. We are proud to honor their incredible accomplishments.”

The awards ceremony is Feb. 3, 2024, on the Stockton Campus.

Richard Fleming

Richard Fleming

Richard Fleming

Medallion of Excellence, honoring alumni who are faculty, 工作人员或董事,并表现出卓越的服务大学, their profession and the community

前摄政王弗莱明通过他对博彩平台网址大全的服务和慷慨的捐赠影响了几代学生, including establishing the Fleming Family Endowment.

The fund supports the Fleming Family Endowed Promise Scholarship, 哪个机构为以前的寄养青少年和暂时无家可归的学生提供帮助, and the Fleming Endowed Scholarship, which supports any student with unmet financial need.

He also has supported numerous other initiatives, 包括太平洋摄政Covid恢复基金和太平洋基金. In 2022, 他鼓励其他人在太平洋捐赠期间将对摄政捐赠奖学金基金的捐款增加了四倍, an annual 24-hour fundraising campaign. 

弗莱明从2012年到2021年担任董事,并担任投资委员会主席. 他还曾在Eberhardt School of Business竞选委员会任职,并担任商学院顾问委员会成员.

Prior to his retirement in 2012, 弗莱明是USG公司的副总裁兼首席财务官, a manufacturer of construction materials, for nearly 20 years.

He has served on numerous boards to benefit the community, including UCAN, 伊利诺斯州青年服务机构和美国儿童福利联盟.

他与结婚50多年的妻子戴安娜(洛恩)弗莱明住在芝加哥. 这对夫妇在斯托克顿校园相识,并在莫里斯教堂结婚.

Ralph Clark

Ralph Clark

Ralph Clark


Clark is president and CEO of SoundThinking, formerly known as ShotSpotter, a public safety technology company. The company is most widely known for its gunshot detection system, 哪一种能识别和定位室外枪击活动的来源.

该技术已在全国150多个城市使用,以帮助警方更快地应对枪击博彩平台网址大全排名. Clark has led the company since 2010.

He previously was CEO of GuardianEdge Technologies Inc. where he played an integral role in its acquisition by Symantec. Early in his career he worked for IBM and Goldman Sachs.

Clark received the Ernst & 2019年获得北加州地区年度青年企业家奖,并被《博彩平台网址大全》评为最受尊敬的首席执行官.

克拉克是Alpha Phi Alpha兄弟会的成员,在博彩平台网址大全获得了哲学和经济学学士学位, as well as an MBA from Harvard Business School.

The Honorable Johnnie B. Rawlinson

The Honorable Johnnie B. Rawlinson

The Honorable Johnnie B. Rawlinson

Distinguished Public Service, 表彰通过公民或公共服务对社会做出杰出专业贡献的校友

罗林森毕业于麦克乔治法学院(McGeorge School of Law),是美国最高法院的一名法官.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Las Vegas, Nevada.

她在2000年被比尔·克林顿总统提名为联邦法官后,担任了20多年的联邦法官. 罗林森是第一个在第九巡回法院任职的非裔美国女性.

She also is a former United States District Judge. Rawlinson was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada in 1998, 成为联邦地区法院的第一位女性和第一位有色人种法官.

Prior to her time as a judge, 罗林森曾担任克拉克县地方检察官办公室的副地方检察官和首席副检察官.

Alan Cook

Alan Cook

Alan Cook

Distinguished Volunteer Service, 表彰通过志愿服务对社会做出杰出贡献的校友

For more than four decades, 库克通过不懈的努力支持母校,帮助斯托克顿的年轻人和需要帮助的人,证明了作为一个太平洋人意味着什么.

In 2018, Cook and his wife, alumna Jane Dyer Cook ’75, 向太平洋地区的威廉·诺克斯·霍尔特纪念图书馆和学习中心慷慨捐赠,创建了库克家族儿童文学作品集. They have also endowed a student scholarship called the Alan B. and Jane Dyer Cook Endowed Scholarship.

他一直是太平洋校友会董事会的活跃成员,也是Beyond our Gates的执行委员会成员, 这是太平洋地区开展了10多年的社区外展活动,旨在提高儿童识字率.

Cook was principal of St. 他曾就读于斯托克顿的乔治教区学校,后来转行进入神学院. He worked at Central United Methodist Church, located across the street from Pacific’s Stockton Campus, 在2021年退休之前,他担任了15年的家庭事工主任. The church has shared a rich history 并继续通过奖学金项目为学生提供支持.


Natalie Compton

Natalie Compton

Natalie Compton



她于2019年加入该公司,担任其旅游网站“By the Way”的作家,,她在那里分享旅行小贴士,并写下她环游世界的经历.

这个令人垂涎的职位是她作为一名自由旅行作家的努力工作和坚持不懈的结果. Spurred by her passions for food, travel and culture, Compton began working as a freelance writer in 2014, eventually traveling to all seven continents. She initially wrote for small publications, but quickly worked her way up to major outlets across the country, including GQ, VICE, the Los Angeles Times and Food & Wine.

Compton earned a bachelor’s degree in communication from Pacific.