Pacific celebrates 'resilient and accomplished' Class of 2023

博彩平台网址大全(University of the Pacific) 2023届毕业生通过一系列活动庆祝他们成功获得学位, 在5月13日举行的全校毕业典礼、毕业证书和戴帽典礼上达到高潮.



周六上午,在风景如画的蓝天下,数百名学生来到历史悠久的诺尔斯草坪,接受加州第一所也是最古老的大学的学位,数千名家人和朋友为他们欢呼. 颁奖典礼表彰来自萨克拉门托、旧金山和斯托克顿三所大学的学生.

克里斯多夫·卡拉汉校长赞扬了毕业生们在新冠肺炎疫情的阻碍下继续追求学习的热情, which forced many students to learn online for a year and a half.

“You faced challenges that Pacificans before you never had to face. 你必须驾驭我们所知道的危险和前所未有的生活混乱,” Callahan told graduates. “You not only met those challenges, but you thrived. 你表现出了令人难以置信的力量、勇气、韧性、适应能力和创造力.”

Student speaker Brooke Han Tran ’23, vice president of Associated Students of the University of the Pacific, 她说,她的同学在大学期间学会了用自己的声音进行宣传.

“我很自豪地承认我们为建立太平洋遗产所做的所有工作,”Han Tran说. “We’ve learned to be good stewards of the community, supporting Miracle Mile and local businesses with the establishment of the 太平洋航天飞机, generously donating our time via 大学兵团, engaging in Greek Life philanthropy, volunteering at St. Mary’s to make sandwiches, 提出一项建议,将斯托克顿无家可归者收容所改造成一个导航中心, 推 divestment from fossil fuels and much more impactful work."

这所大学的最高荣誉在典礼上被授予,包括 太平洋勋章,该奖项旨在表彰哈佛大学最具影响力的领导者、教师和导师. The honorees include Regent Norm Allen ’88,’94; Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry Daniel Bender; former Director of 职业服务 Deb Crane ’01, ’08; Professor of Economics Bill Herrin and Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs Maria Pallavicini.

校友及前董事获颁工商管理荣誉博士学位 吉姆更好的 ’68. 这位硅谷房地产高管在收购旧金山校区的谈判中发挥了重要作用, which houses the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry and other graduate programs. Mair told his grandchildren in the audience “It’s no longer 爸爸, it’s Dr. 爸爸.”

Professor of 历史 Ken Albala received the Distinguished Faculty award. 集教学、科研、服务于一体的知名美食烹饪专家. 

1973年毕业的第50届同学在毕业典礼上参加了纪念玫瑰漫步, carrying orange roses in honor of classmates who have passed away.

After the all-university commencement ceremony, diploma and hooding ceremonies were held for College of the Pacific, School of Engineering and Computer Science, 音乐学院, Eberhardt School of Business, 托马斯J. Long School of 药店 and Benerd College.

1300多个学位被授予,未来几周还将有数百个学位被授予. 健康科学学院的毕业典礼将于5月20日星期六上午10点举行.m. 在Alex G. 斯帕诺中心.

麦乔治法学院将于5月27日星期六下午2点为毕业生举行庆祝活动.m. at the Memorial Auditorium in Sacramento and the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry will honor graduates Sunday, June 18 at 2 p.m. at The Masonic in San Francisco.

a student stands at a podium inside Morris Chapel

Interfaith Baccalaureate Service

Friday, May 12 | Interfaith Baccalaureate Service and “Last Lecture”

Before the excitement of Saturday’s commencement, 周五在莫里斯教堂为学生们举行了一场亲密的学士学位仪式, 教职员工.


“来到博彩平台网址大全时,我以为我必须在信仰和教育之间做出选择, 但是我错了. 太平洋航空公司张开双臂欢迎我,并提供了无数的资源。”23岁的Leen Yousef说. 

Though the university has Methodist origins, 它已经发展成为一个欢迎太平洋地区所有丰富的跨宗教社区的空间.

即将退休的经济学教授威廉·赫林(William Herrin)进行了传统的最后一堂课,他敦促学生不要只关注世界上的问题, but to also acknowledge what is right.

May 9-12 | Cultural Affinity 研究生 Celebrations

在毕业典礼前的一周,学校为亲和团体举行了庆祝活动,以表彰即将毕业的学生取得的成就,同时承认他们面临的独特挑战和经历, including students who identify as Latinx; LGBTQ+; Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi; Black and Native American.

Each event included culturally significant moments, including a blanketing ceremony for Native American students. 毕业生获得“教育毯”,以示尊重和庆祝.

“Growing up as a Native American in Stockton, it was often difficult to find places that represent my culture. 但我在博彩平台网址大全本科和法学院的经历帮助我缩小了这一差距,” said McGeorge School of 法律 graduate Timothy Perez, ’20, ’23, a member of the Northern Valley Yokuts tribe. “我准备从事法律职业,我希望能帮助我的部落,也可能帮助其他部落.”

phi beta kappa inductees

Phi Beta Kappa inductees

Friday, May 12 | Phi Beta Kappa Induction Ceremony

五名学生入选了美国历史最悠久、最知名的学术荣誉协会Phi Beta kappa. 这个享有盛誉的组织对那些在文科和理科领域取得优异成绩的学生予以表彰.

Students who participated in the ceremony were Keldon Chase (2022 inductee), Rosabella洛佩兹, 洛林李, The Raven Elise McGurll and Amy Wheeler. Dianne Roberts also was selected to join.

“I worked really hard to join Phi Beta Kappa. I even rearranged my schedule and made an independent study to join,” said Amy Wheeler ’23, 谁主修地质环境科学和大提琴辅修法律预科和可持续发展. “This organization is really valuable to me and has a lot of meaning, so I’m really grateful I was able to be inducted.

博彩平台网址大全是我所能要求的最好的小规模文科学校和教育. I’ve gotten to become friends with all my teachers, and I know those relationships will last me a lifetime,”她说。.

会员是通过邀请加入的,通常是毕业班前5%的学生. 博彩平台网址大全是美国仅有的10%的学院和大学之一,拥有Phi Beta Kappa协会的分会.

students pose for a picture

Faith Davies Award Recipients

Friday, May 12 | Faith Davies All-University Leadership Awards

The outstanding contributions of students, 顾问和组织被授予年度领导力奖.

从教育斯托克顿警察局的锡克教信仰到帮助国际学生适应校园生活, 在过去的一年里,获奖者对校园和社区产生了显著的影响. Read more about the Faith Davies honorees here.

Watch highlights from the 2023 commencement