
博彩平台网址大全为新生提供牙科预科课程, 牙科预科课程(3+3). in which you complete all pre-dental and general education requirements and the courses for the biological sciences or chemistry majors in just three years and three years of dental school. Optionally, you can apply to accelerate to the 2+3 program 或者在本科部分花更多的时间转到4+3项目.

When you complete the program, you will earn both a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of the Pacific (Stockton Campus) and a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry (San Francisco Campus). 

dental camp participants
High School Students Considering Dental Careers

你是一名正在考虑从事牙科职业的高中生吗? Consider applying for one of our accelerated programs at University of the Pacific to earn your BS and DDS.

Through the 3+3 program, students can complete all pre-dental and general education requirements and the courses for the biological sciences or chemistry majors in just three years (six regular semesters). 牙科学校第一年的课程学分可以用来获得学士学位, 在完成牙科学校第三年的学习后,你将获得DDS学位. Students admitted to the pre-dental advantage program who fulfill both academic and non-academic requirements are guaranteed an interview at the Dugoni School:

  • 完成所有牙科预科课程要求和牙科学校的先决条件
  • Maintain an overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.博彩平台网址大全或其他院校的课程成绩在05分或以上, BBCP (biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and physics), and Science
  • 牙科入学考试各科成绩均达18分或以上
  • Submit a completed dental school application, 包括两名太平洋科学学院教员和一名牙医的三封评估信, by September 1 of the application cycle
  • 完成至少40小时的普通牙医实习

The Pre-Dental Advantage Program’s default path consists of three years of undergraduate preparation and three years of dental school. However, you can apply to accelerate to the 2+3 program, 或者在本科部分花更多的时间转到4+3项目.

The 2+3 program provides the minimum foundation in pre-dental education through two years of study on the Stockton campus for a select group of highly qualified students. 在第一学年结束后的夏天, 如果您符合以下标准,并获得您的牙科前顾问的批准, 你将在斯托克顿学习第二年的课程,然后申请杜戈尼牙科学院, 你在哪些方面会成为面试的重点.

High School Preparation

和牙医谈谈,或者在工作中跟随他们,看看这个职业是否适合你. The path toward a career in dentistry will require extensive dedication which you can deliver if you feel comfortable with your choice. 

大学课程最好是在高中经历结束后在大学里修. 高中生可能对大学教育感兴趣, however, in order to facilitate their adjustment to college or to save money by satisfying college course requirements. 

Advanced courses taken while in high school can sometimes interfere negatively with the college curriculum. The items below categorize courses by the type of interaction that they have with the curriculum of the Pre-Dental Advantage Program. 

  • Green light classes. AP, IB or college courses taken in high school (early college) may be used to satisfy requirements of the general education portion (except science) of the Pre-Dental Advantage Program, as long as they can be transferred as equivalent to courses at Pacific that satisfy such requirements. This equivalence can be verified at the ROAR webpage. Courses in chemistry and biology may be a good preparation for college when they do not articulate with a Pacific course or when they articulate with Pacific courses that have code numbers lower than BIOL 51 for biology (ex: BIOL 41) or lower than CHEM 25 for chemistry (ex: CHEM23).
  • Yellow light classes. AP, IB或大学早期课程的物理课程可以与PHYS 23清晰地表达, 25, 53或55,但建议在太平洋学习物理.
  • Red light classes. AP, IB or early college classes cannot be used to reduce the number of chemistry and biology courses taken while in the Pre-Dental Advantage Program. 如果你在进入太平洋之前完成了核心的生物或化学课程, 你将被要求在博彩平台网址大全学习这些科目的高级课程. 如果你已经学过或想学这些课程, you should inform your undergraduate admission counselor at Pacific and request the transfer of your courses to Pacific. This is necessary to avoid conflicts that could interfere with your registration and financial help. 虽然我们很感激你在来太平洋之前有兴趣学习大学水平的课程, 我们强烈建议你避开核心科学课程, 除非你想用博彩平台网址大全更高级的化学和生物课程来取代它们.
  • 请注意,其他DDS程序可能需要物理, 数学或心理学将在 四年制大学学习.
  • 对2+3选项感兴趣的学生需要满足三个 GE categories (理科除外),在博彩平台网址大全(AP)开始之前完成工作课程, IB or Early College courses).

Program Requirements 

牙科预科优势项目只适用于第一次进入大学的学生. 准学生使用我们的本科申请并选择牙科预科专业. 

进入太平洋牙科医生项目, 获录取的牙科预科本科生必须按顺序修习太平洋牙科学院的课程, maintain minimum GPAs and pass a formal interview for the Dugoni School of Dentistry (includes a writing sample).  

All applicants are encouraged, and admitted students are required, 认真阅读并同意 Dugoni学校技术标准. It is also highly recommended that all applicants review the Dental Board of California license requirements. 

  1. Completion of CHEM 025, CHEM 027, CHEM 121, CHEM 123, BIOL 051, BIOL 061, CORE 001, CORE 002, COPD 093, and courses that satisfy 5 different GE categories (excluding Scientific Inquiry) and the diversity requirement. 通用电气课程可以从工作转到大学.
  2. GPA and DAT (Dental Admission Test) scores above the minimum marks published by the Pre-Dental Program. 目前,考虑以下gpa,每一个必须是3.7 or higher: Overall GPA (all coursework); Pacific GPA (all coursework at Pacific); BBCP GPA (all biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and physics); Science GPA (all science coursework at Pacific). DAT必须在大二的9月1日之前完成, and currently, 你必须获得25分或以上的学术平均成绩.
  3. Completion of all academic and non-academic requirements and submission of an application to the DDS program at Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry.
  4. Submission of a completed Program Change Form to the Office of the Registrar signed by the pre-dental advisor. Before advancing to the Dugoni School, admitted students must complete the undergraduate requirements of the BS in Biological Sciences or BS in Biological Sciences with department honors, except for the DS and BMS courses, which will be taken within the DDS program.

博彩平台网址大全保留更改学生入学标准的权利. 被选中参加面试的学生不能保证被Dugoni学校录取. 

  1. 满足牙科预科课程的所有课程要求, 包括平均绩点标准(3+3和4+3途径).05 or above; 2+3 pathway: 3.70 or above)
  2. students in the 3+3 and 4+3 pathways must achieve scores of 18 or above in all categories on the Dental Admission Test (DAT); 2+3 students must achieve an Academic Average score of 25 or above
  3. 顺利完成牙科学院的面试
  4. 在9月1日前提交一份有竞争力的完整的AADSAS申请
  5. submit the $75 application fee
  6. 获得至少三封来自两名科学教师和一名牙医的评估信
  7. complete 40 hours of shadowing at a dental clinic


本科课程预计需要三年时间, 但你可以在第一年之后调整你的时间表. 如果你选择继续参加博彩平台网址大全杜戈尼牙科学院的DDS项目, 你可以在三年内完成研究生部分. 


你将受益于小班授课、多样的大学资源和多层次的支持. During the first semester, you will have weekly meetings with the Pre-Dental Program Advisor to go over all aspects of pre-dental preparation. Our student-run Pre-Dental Society and one-on-one consultations with a faculty adviser create opportunities to better prepare for dentistry and community service.


在完成本科课程并取得满意成绩后, you will have a guaranteed interview to the Dugoni School of Dentistry and will be well prepared for admission to other top dental schools in the U.S. Upon completion of the entire program, 学生获得学士和DDS学位,促进进一步专业化.

Helena Chochanski
Student Voice
Helena Chochanski ’22, ’25

“太平洋真的帮助我准备在牙科和牙科学校的职业生涯, both professionally and academically. The classes are taught at such a high level, 我知道我在科学方面有很好的基础,所以当我去牙科学校时, I won't be starting from zero. 这里有很多俱乐部和组织强调职业精神, a career in dentistry. 他们给了我做志愿者的机会,让我亲身体验当牙医的感觉.” 

Pre-Dental Society

This student-run organization provides opportunities for students to meet dental school faculty and students as well as practitioners active in the field. It offers volunteer opportunities, mock DAT exams, PAT and interview workshops, trips to the Dugoni School of Dentistry and a comfortable atmosphere where all students interested in dentistry can socialize and learn more about the field. 

Pacific Pre-Dental Society