Referral Information for Patients


Crowns and other single restorative procedures: you need to be a patient of record and have all your dental treatment done here; referrals for crowns and other restorative procedures will not be accepted.

Extractions/Oral Surgery: If you are experiencing dental pain, 你可以到我们的急诊诊所,他们会推荐你做口腔手术. In non-emergency situations, 你必须获得转诊,然后拨打我们的口腔外科电话415.929.6473.

Endodontics: 请获得书面转诊,这样我们就有您正在寻求治疗的问题的医疗文件,然后拨打415给主要诊所打电话.929.6501 to register for a screening appointment.

We are not accepting patients at this time for

  • Orofacial Pain
  • Special Care and Hospital Dentistry
  • Periodontics

我们整理了一份旧金山湾区牙科服务的资源和推荐列表. 从以下链接下载英文、西班牙文和中文版本.


For urgent dental emergencies during school closure, after hours or weekend emergencies, please call 1.888.372.0892.

我们保持警惕,以确保在我们诊所寻求治疗的患者以及提供者和其他工作人员的安全. Infection control has always been our top priority, 我们的感染控制流程确保您在接受治疗时, it’s both safe and comfortable. 我们所有的诊所都遵循美国牙科协会(ADA)的感染控制建议。, 美国.S. 疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)和职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA). 我们遵循这些机构的指导方针,以便我们随时了解可能发布的任何新裁决或指导.


  • 截至2023年3月4日,我们临床区域的患者可选择使用口罩.
  • 如果您感到不舒服,请尽快告诉我们,以便我们重新安排您的会面.

你的实习医生会很乐意回答你的任何问题,博彩平台网址大全为你采取的措施, and every patient, safe in our practice. 

Thank you for being our patient. 我们珍惜您的信任和忠诚,并感谢您为亚瑟A. Dugoni School of Dentistry your dental home.

About Our Clinic

Our mission is to provide patient-centered, evidence-based, quality oral healthcare in a supportive environment. 我们的教师和学生合作提供全面的牙科护理, from traditional to cutting-edge dental procedures, at affordable prices.

Patient in 诊所 (video still)


We offer a wide range of dental procedures and services. 我们世界一流的教师包括普通牙医和各种类型的专家. 这使我们能够为我们的患者提供从简单的填充和清洁到现代贴面和种植的一切.

费用 & Payment Plans

我们的普通牙科团体诊所提供的牙科护理费用比海湾地区典型的私人牙科诊所便宜30 - 40%. Most private insurance plans are accepted. 符合条件的患者可使用灵活的付款计划. We also accept cash, checks, Visa and MasterCard.

Location & 小时

University of the Pacific
Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
155 Fifth St., Second and Third Floor Group Practices
San Francisco, CA 94103

Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Evenings: Monday and Thursday, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm


our location

How to Become a Patient

所有潜在的患者都需要通过电话与我们的一位接待处工作人员进行登记, and then make a new patient screening appointment. Please call 415.929.6501 Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to be registered and set up a screening appointment. 如果您需要取消,请至少提前24小时通知. 新病人周一到周五只接受预约,我们不接受临时预约. 请将您在过去三年内拍摄的所有x光片(包括您的病历编号)通过电子邮件发送到学校 prior to your screening appointment. 我们必须在您预约筛查前将您带照片的身份证件和保险或牙科卡存档. 我们的接待人员会告诉你如何把这些寄给我们. We look forward to meeting you!

What to Expect at Your First Screening 访问

We want to be sure Pacific is the best place for you. 学院牙医通过预约为每位新患者进行口腔健康检查,以确保您的需求和期望适合教育环境. All patients must be at least 14 years old.

During your initial phone call to the school, 工作人员会帮您在我们的系统中注册,并收集您的人口统计信息和保险信息. If you have insurance or Denti-Cal, please have your insurance card/Denti-Cal card available, 因为你会被要求在电话中提供这些信息,以便我们核实你的报道. 我们的工作人员也会和您讨论一些我们诊所的政策, including our current COVID-19 safety protocols. 然后你将被安排一个新的病人筛查预约, 您可以选择亲自或通过Zoom 健康care进行检查, which is a HIPAA-protected telehealth tool. To be eligible for a Zoom 健康care appointment, 你必须有一台能上网的电脑或手机, and knowledge of how to use Zoom.

At your screening appointment, 您将与一名学生牙医和一名教师会面,讨论您的牙科需求和期望, and evaluate your dental condition. There is no cost for this initial screening. 因为我们的设施是一个教学诊所,学生将在教师的监督下进行大部分治疗, 在学校治疗确实比在私人牙科诊所花费的时间要长得多, 并不是所有病人的治疗需求都适合牙科学校的设置. 如果你和我们的牙医都认为我们的诊所是适合你的地方, the next step will be to have x-rays taken. 如果你在过去三年内拍过全套x光片, please have those emailed to the school at 请确保您的病历号码包含在邮件中. We can only accept digital x-rays, 它们必须具有良好的诊断质量,否则可能需要额外的x光检查. There is a charge for x-rays.

在你拍完x光片(如果你最近拍过x光片,也可以送到学校)之后。, a student dentist will be assigned to you. 然后,你的学生牙医会与你联系,预约开始全面的牙科检查. Depending upon the complexity of your oral health needs, this appointment could take more than one visit. 

We look forward to meeting you!